xbox one

Look at the bright side if you get this for christmas you can trade it for a ps4, and a game

Look at the bright side  if you get this for christmas you can trade it for a ps4, and a game  xbox one

Don't Buy One!

Don't Buy One!   xbox one

Burns half their fanbase and loses them to Sony with used game restrictions, online DRM policies and mismanaged PR Pisses off the half that stuck with them by eliminating the online features that actually interested them

Burns half their fanbase and loses them to Sony with used game restrictions, online DRM policies and mismanaged PR Pisses off the half that stuck with them by eliminating the online features that actually interested them  xbox one

If you buy it you are letting companies know they can take advantage of consumers through obtrusive DRM policies Have enough respect for yourself to not put up with microsofts bullshit

If you buy it you are letting companies know they can take advantage of consumers through obtrusive DRM policies Have enough respect for yourself to not put up with microsofts bullshit  xbox one

I'll buy an xbox one just to set it up, fap in front of it so microsoft can watch, and then return it for a ps4

I'll buy an xbox one just to set it up, fap in front of it so microsoft can watch, and then return it for a ps4  xbox one

Shut the Fuck Up And don't buy it

Shut the Fuck Up And don't buy it  xbox one

Still 100$ more expensive Because it forces the purchase and use of the kinect which the console will not work without

Still 100$ more expensive Because it forces the purchase and use of the kinect which the console will not work without  xbox one

switch to playstation achievement unlocked

switch to playstation achievement unlocked  xbox one

(sequel to popular game) xbox one exclusive

(sequel to popular game) xbox one exclusive  xbox one


RIP SHARED LIBRARY Thanks Sony  xbox one
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