YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK By 8 am? BETTER GET YOU UP AT 3 am so you still have time to feed me

YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK By 8 am? BETTER GET YOU UP AT 3 am so you still have time to feed me  Business Cat

Offer girl ride home. Her father premier of soviet union. get sent to siberia. No number for Jakucha.

Offer girl ride home.  Her father premier of soviet union.  get sent to siberia. No number for Jakucha.  Jakucha

kid wanted a new xbox360 i made him play silver surfer

kid wanted a new xbox360 i made him play silver surfer  Vengeance Dad

"moms have the hardest jobs on earth" Starts drinking at noon and watches oprah all day

I Don't always smoke blunts But when I do, it's someone else's

I Don't always smoke blunts But when I do, it's someone else's  The Most Interesting Man In The World

See that indie devs are generous with their games exploit them for free copies

See that indie devs are generous with their games exploit them for free copies  Reddit Alien

hermione, what did 3/4 of us enjoy last night? I was asleep so i don't.. gang rape

hermione, what did 3/4 of us enjoy last night? I was asleep so i don't.. gang rape  Horny Harry

not sure if /r/trees is about pot or favorite snacks

not sure if /r/trees is about pot or favorite snacks  Futurama Fry

Why the fuck are people killing others in my name? That's like the first thing I told you not to do!

Why the fuck are people killing others in my name? That's like the first thing I told you not to do!  Advice God

IF a normal license plate gets blurred or covered up Then why is it okay to post a funny custom plate?

IF a normal license plate gets blurred or covered up Then why is it okay to post a funny custom plate?  Philosoraptor