Reddit Alien

comment karma = test your wit Link karma = test your luck

comment karma =   test your wit Link karma = test your luck  Reddit Alien

You can log out any time you like but you can never leave

You can log out any time you like but you can never leave  Reddit Alien

Makes fun of hipsters "I knew memes before people used them on facebook!"

Makes fun of hipsters

Karma is meaningless Update: Seriously? Front Page? You guys have made my day!

Karma is meaningless Update: Seriously? Front Page? You guys have made my day!  Reddit Alien

Attitude: Fuck the police Advice: Call the police

Fuck the police Advice:
Call the police  Reddit Alien

Makes reddit time machine doctor who references in every time's subreddit

Makes reddit time machine doctor who references in every time's subreddit  Reddit Alien

Discounts Fox News as a Source due to bias upvotes all anti-sopa articles from ""

Discounts Fox News as a  Source due to bias upvotes all anti-sopa articles from

Grammar, spelling, and Citing sources More important on reddit than in english class

Grammar, spelling, and Citing sources More important on reddit than in english class  Reddit Alien

New Macbook for christmas $2,000 reddit machine

New Macbook for christmas $2,000 reddit machine  Reddit Alien

knows finals are soon goes down "for maintenance"

knows finals are soon goes down