Complains about pot brownie not kicking in yet eats 2 more

Complains about pot brownie not kicking in yet eats 2 more  College Freshman

Sudden surge of Unhelpful High School Teacher memes Large amount of redditors still in high school

Sudden surge of Unhelpful High School Teacher memes  Large amount of redditors still in high school  Reddit Alien

entire lesson on projector can't figure out how to turn it on

entire lesson on projector can't figure out how to turn it on  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Sees you're getting up to get snacks, Pauses the tv.

Sees you're getting up to get snacks, Pauses the tv.  Good Guy Greg

Not sure if hungry or about to throw up

Not sure if hungry or about to throw up  Futurama Fry

Teacher said "I Don't know 'CAN YOU' go to the BATHROOM?" i said "i don't know 'can you' still feel your legs?"

Teacher said

Swallow Failure Shit out success

Swallow Failure Shit out success  Courage Wolf

Can't find car within 15 seconds It was stolen

Can't find car within 15 seconds It was stolen  Paranoid Parrot

Who says the anti-Christ... has to be a human?

Who says the anti-Christ... has to be a human?  Insanity puppy

Not sure if Actual funny comic or if i just like futurama

Not sure if Actual funny comic or if i just like futurama  Futurama Fry