It's not a boner It's my jeans

It's not a boner It's my jeans  Angry School Boy

Bitches that their posts never make frontpage Only reads frontpage

Bitches that their posts never make frontpage Only reads frontpage  Scumbag Redditor

interesting A sandwich, with words

interesting A sandwich, with words  Hipster Gaston

Computer desk Dinner table

Computer desk Dinner table  Foul Bachelor Frog

The number of Adobe Acrobat Reader Updates is too damn high

The number of Adobe Acrobat Reader Updates is too damn high  Jimmy McMillan

listening to music on headphones at work constantly take headphones off to make sure music isnt playing on speakers

listening to music on headphones at work constantly take headphones off to make sure music isnt playing on speakers  Paranoid Parrot

kissed a girl didn't get cooties

kissed a girl didn't get cooties  Success Kid

Not sure if really hot... Or massive sunglasses blocking face

Not sure if really hot... Or massive sunglasses blocking face  Futurama Fry

Cop asks for papers hand over zig zags

Cop asks for papers hand over zig zags  Stoner Dog

sees NSFW link at work opens it on iphone

sees NSFW link
at work opens it on iphone  Reddit Alien