Drink beer Pretend it tastes good

Drink beer Pretend it tastes good  Foul Bachelor Frog

How often do i like jokes about chemistry? Periodically

How often do i like jokes about  chemistry?

 Periodically  Science Cat

Has amazing sex... with his sister

Has amazing sex... with his sister  Socially Awksome Penguin

Allows kids watch movies with coarse language and brutal violence "As long as there's no sex!"

Allows kids watch movies with coarse language and brutal violence

if you wanted to get into my lane you should have used your turn signal

if you wanted to get into my lane you should have used your turn signal  Captain Hindsight

Native Americans They're illegal immigrants, essentially

Native Americans They're illegal 
immigrants, essentially  Megyn Kelly

instruct me That I may dance in the manner of douglas

instruct me That I may dance in the manner of douglas  Joseph Ducreux

Not sure if you're attractive because you're funny Or if i find you funnier because you're attractive

Not sure if you're attractive because you're funny Or if i find you funnier because you're attractive  Futurama Fry

My son's friends are so funny with nicknames mine is milf

My son's friends are so funny with nicknames mine is milf  Oblivious Suburban Mom

Purposefully browses Reddit in class... in hopes of fellow Redditor handing him a note.

Purposefully browses Reddit in class... in hopes of fellow Redditor handing him a note.  Forever Alone