put screen protector on new phone no air bubbles

put screen protector on new phone no air bubbles  Success Kid

Makes waitress list all beers on tap Orders a bud light

Makes waitress list all beers on tap Orders a bud light  Scumbag Steve

Your parents bought you an iPhone, a Macbook, and a car? And they're paying for your school? Please, tell me how hard your life is.

Your parents bought you an iPhone, a Macbook, and a car? And they're paying for your school? Please, tell me how hard your life is.  Condescending Wonka

gives you a ride home doesn't drive away until you're safely inside

gives you a ride home doesn't drive away until you're safely inside  Good Guy Greg

Writes Research paper Thinks he's an expert on the topic

Writes Research paper Thinks he's an expert on the topic  College Freshman

not sure if my cat is shredding that toy because she loves it or hates it

not sure if my cat is shredding that toy because she loves it or hates it  Futurama Fry

Im not going down with the ship. Im afraid of water

Im not going down with the ship. Im afraid of water   Captain kitteh

Got to train station on time Realized Ipod and headphones are still at home

Got to train station on time Realized Ipod and headphones are still at home  First World Problems

Friend tells waiter it is your birthday when it is not Birthday sex with waiter

Friend tells waiter it is your birthday when it is not Birthday sex with waiter  Socially Awesome Penguin

Not invited to party Calls cops on party

Not invited to party Calls cops on party  Scumbag Steve