worn the same bra for a week couple more days won't hurt

worn the same bra for a week couple more days won't hurt  Foul Bachelorette Frog

Noticed toilet roll was finished before I sat down

Noticed toilet roll was finished before I sat down  Success Kid

New TV is so big it doesn't fit on the old TV stand

New TV is so big it doesn't fit on the old TV stand  First World Problems

Stops, Drops, And rolls into another fire

Stops, Drops, And rolls into another fire  Bad Luck Brian

Thanks for the stickers mom and dad They'll look great on the car windows

Thanks for the stickers mom and dad They'll look great on the car windows  Evil Toddler

So, you think you're over your ex? Here, have this dream of you two happy and in love again

So, you think you're over your ex? Here, have this dream of you two happy and in love again   Scumbag Brain

not sure if she is attracted to me or is just really nice

not sure if she is attracted to me or is just really nice  Futurama Fry

I got so tan at the beach My foundation doesn't match anymore

I got so tan at the beach My foundation doesn't match anymore  First World Problems

A mustache is like an eyebrow for your mouth

A mustache is like an eyebrow for your mouth  10 Guy

do sluts call their private parts public parts?

do sluts call their private parts public parts?   Philosoraptor