Lowers gaze to avoid eye contact with girl ends up staring at boobs instead

Lowers gaze to avoid eye contact with girl ends up staring at boobs instead  Socially Awkward Penguin

Jeeves, put up my finest curtains I'd like to go climbing

Jeeves, put up my 
finest curtains I'd like to go climbing  Aristocat

Graduated college and got a job On the same day

Graduated college and got a job On the same day  Success Kid

Jenkins buy me an expensive cat bed I'd like to sleep in the box it came in

Jenkins buy me an expensive cat bed I'd like to sleep in the box it came in  Aristocat

not only did i suck on her tits in front of her husband she literally wiped my ass after

not only did i suck on her tits in front of her husband she literally wiped my ass after  drunk baby

The a/c in our limousine broke so we had to drive around holding champagne bottles to our foreheads to keep cool

The a/c in our limousine broke  so we had to drive around holding champagne bottles to our foreheads to keep cool   First World Problems

Attention whores are so annoying "Like" if you agree

Attention whores are so annoying

I can't water the tree there are too many presents in the way

I can't water the tree there are too many presents in the way  First World Problems

Shows up to friend's party cleans his entire kitchen instead of socializing

Shows up to friend's party cleans his entire kitchen instead of socializing  Socially Awkward Penguin

Hey, you know that girl you just met that is only in town for a couple of weeks? let's fall in love with her

Hey, you know that girl you just met that is only in town for a couple of weeks? let's fall in love with her  Scumbag Brain