Has interesting and insightful conversations with friends in head

Has interesting and insightful conversations with friends in head  Socially Awkward Penguin

Take birth control 5 minutes late feel baby growing inside body

Take birth control 5 minutes late feel baby growing inside body  Paranoid Parrot

We're all God's children Except the french, blacks, mexicans, asians, muslims, lib'rals, homos, scientists, and communists

We're all God's children Except the french, blacks, mexicans, asians, muslims, lib'rals, homos, scientists, and communists  Redneck Randal

Family Game Night? russian roulette it is

Family Game Night? russian roulette it is  Vengeance Dad

They laughed as i integrated I laughed as they disintegrated

They laughed as i integrated I laughed as they disintegrated  Karate Kyle

Hey bro, what you working on? Tower of Pisa? Mind if i help?

Hey bro, what you working on? Tower of Pisa? Mind if i help?  Scumbag Stefano

sooo tell me what u want, what u really really want iguana, iguana, iguana, iguana!!

sooo tell me what u want, what u really really want iguana, iguana, iguana, iguana!!  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Say goodbye to stranger in the elevator Doors don't open up right away

Say goodbye to stranger in the elevator Doors don't open up right away  Socially Awkward Penguin

Folks, I've called you all in here for our quarterly trust exercises. Start rubbing my belly until I fall asleep.

Folks, I've called you all in here for our quarterly trust exercises. Start rubbing my belly until I fall asleep.  Business Cat

Get in comment argument with someone you disagree with Click name; downvote everything

Get in comment argument with someone you disagree with Click name; downvote everything  Reddit Alien