push me, and then just touch me, until i get my, sadist faction

push me, and then just touch me, until i get my, sadist faction  Wrong Lyrics Christina

tip? i'll give her the whole fucking thing

tip? i'll give her the whole fucking thing  Insanity Wolf

play frisbee with friends worry about throwing disc to each person equally

play frisbee with friends worry about throwing disc to each person equally  Socially Awkward Penguin

Hi! I just finished eating all the flies, keeping away the ants and drove away the termites. Oh sure, I'd love to read the paper!

Hi! I just finished eating all the flies, keeping away the ants and drove away the termites. Oh sure, I'd love to read the paper!  Misunderstood Spider

Feel sorry for WOW addicts Spend All day on reddit

Feel sorry for WOW addicts Spend All day on reddit  Reddit Alien

Miss class today to see doctor everyone thinks i'm an alcoholic

Miss class today to see doctor everyone thinks i'm an alcoholic  Paranoid Parrot

i knew how nuclear reactors worked before the diagrams on CNN

i knew how nuclear reactors worked before the diagrams on CNN  Hipster Kitty

Make multiple religions all having no proof and requiring absolute faith. Pick the wrong one and you burn in hell forever.

Make multiple religions all having no proof and requiring absolute faith. Pick the wrong one and you burn in hell forever.  Advice God

You oft speak of violent overthrow of the ancien regime. but it is imperative that you understand... we would all savor social and political transformation.

You oft speak of violent overthrow of the ancien regime. but it is imperative that you understand... we would all savor social and political transformation.   Joseph Ducreux

Girl stands you up on a date You stand her up on a crucifix

Girl stands you up on a date You stand her up on a crucifix   Insanity Wolf