sunday morning cough up blood laugh, light cigarette

sunday morning cough up blood laugh, light cigarette  Foul Bachelor Frog

"Yeah dude, I can DJ at your party" Brings laptop, opens up to youtube

all powerful needs a day off

all powerful needs a day off  Advice God

lenin cat Just wants to steal my hard earned fish

lenin cat Just wants to steal my hard earned fish  Business Cat

sexytime with my girlfriend as soon as I get one

sexytime with my girlfriend as soon as I get one  Forever Alone

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put F-U-C-K-M-E together

If I could rearrange
the alphabet, I would put
F-U-C-K-M-E together  Pickup-Line Panda

I do not enjoy other cat communists except for chairman meow

I do not enjoy other cat communists except for chairman meow  Lenin Cat

No, not a spray bottle! I'll give you everything I have!

No, not a spray bottle! I'll give you
everything I have!  Business Cat

lead part in class production of The First Thanksgiving eat it bitches

lead part in class production of The First Thanksgiving eat it bitches  Socially awesome kindergartener

Wonder why nobody ever upvotes my links Spend 10 hours on Reddit-Never upvote anything

Wonder why nobody ever upvotes my links Spend 10 hours on Reddit-Never upvote anything  Reddit Alien