Tell rape joke the person you told it to really was raped

Tell rape joke the person you told it to really was raped  Hawkward

I like girls in their prime 2, 3, 5, 7

I like girls in their prime 2, 3, 5, 7  Pedobear

When god closes a door punch him through it

When god closes a door punch him through it  Courage Wolf

has master's and ph.d in Computer Science Uses handwritten transparency

has master's and ph.d in Computer Science Uses handwritten transparency   Engineering Professor

Take birth control to make boobs bigger

Take birth control to make boobs bigger  Foul Bachelorette Frog

Print out xkcd flowchart "I don't get how to use it!"

Print out xkcd flowchart

Make "Forever Alone" your Facebook profile pic desperately hope someone notices


Take your heterogeneous mixture and stir it up

Take your heterogeneous mixture and stir it up  Rasta Science Teacher

"When's the baby due?" she's not pregnant

go to a halloween party as a ghost most of the people are black

go to a halloween party as a ghost most of the people 
are black  Hawkward