Hey, I know it's 3am, you're tired as fuck, and you have to get up in the morning But let's go over everything shitty that's ever happened to you

Hey, I know it's 3am, you're tired as fuck, and you have to get up in the morning But let's go over everything shitty that's ever happened to you - Hey, I know it's 3am, you're tired as fuck, and you have to get up in the morning But let's go over everything shitty that's ever happened to you  Scum Bag Brain


Hey man, took a nice refreshing shower? That's good, now it's time to take a shit

Hey man, took a nice refreshing shower? That's good, now it's time to take a shit

hey i see you are relaxed and enjoying your day here brah, have this anxiety attack for no apparent reason

hey i see you are relaxed and enjoying your day here brah, have this anxiety attack for no apparent reason

Hey, I know it's 3am, you're tired as fuck, and you have to get up in the morning But let's go over everything shitty that's ever happened to you

Hey, I know it's 3am, you're tired as fuck, and you have to get up in the morning But let's go over everything shitty that's ever happened to you

Lazy brain Only uses 10% of its capacity

Lazy brain Only uses 10% of its capacity

likes to call me "lazy" constantly tells me to do things later

likes to call me

Oh, this is the day you get to sit next to your crush? better start having a severe allergy attack and start uncontrollably sneezing

Oh, this is the day you get to sit next to your crush? better start having a severe allergy attack and start uncontrollably sneezing

Three hours of homework? You should rest your eyes Just for a minute

Three hours of homework? You should rest your eyes Just for a minute

doubled in size in less than 2 million years doesn't explain how it was done

doubled in size in less than 2 million years doesn't explain how it was done

oh, You're getting over your ex? Here have a super realistic dream about him

oh, You're getting over your ex? Here have a super realistic dream about him

well, that job interview went well lol j/k, here's all the actual answers to the questions they just asked you

well, that job interview went well lol j/k, here's all the actual answers to the questions they just asked you
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