Oh, you say you're a virgin? I'm sure that this positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.

Oh, you say you're a virgin? I'm sure that this positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then. - Oh, you say you're a virgin? I'm sure that this positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.  Nurses in Action


Oh, you say you're a virgin? This positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.

Oh, you say you're a virgin? This positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.

oh you're having a seizure? Funny how you keep this one arm so still while I push Ativan...

oh you're having a seizure? Funny how you keep this one arm so still while I push Ativan...

Oh you don't remember the name of the pain medicine that starts with a D? That's strange...because you've had it 5 times this shift...

Oh you don't remember the name of the pain medicine that starts with a D? That's strange...because you've had it 5 times this shift...

I'm in your urethra Investigating your Microbes

I'm in your urethra Investigating your Microbes

He calls her sweety She calls him rectal carcinoma

He calls her sweety She calls him rectal carcinoma

your having to shit makes me want to kill myself

your having to shit makes me want to kill myself

next up ill be swabbing your anus ...its routine around here

next up ill be swabbing your anus ...its routine around here

Oh, you say you're a virgin? I'm sure that this positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.

Oh, you say you're a virgin? I'm sure that this positive pregnancy test must be a mistake then.

I smile but you'll be dead soon

I smile but you'll be dead soon

You say you don't have Herpes? That's not what your chart says

You say you don't have Herpes? That's not what your chart says
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