Confusing day at work boss was too nice to hate.

Confusing day at work boss was too nice to hate. - Confusing day at work boss was too nice to hate.  Leftist Friend


The founding fathers were pretty cool But they were still ignorant, privileged, misogynistic racists.

The founding fathers were pretty cool But they were still ignorant, privileged, misogynistic racists.

Confusing day at work boss was too nice to hate.

Confusing day at work boss was too nice to hate.

Chivalry is dead and feminists killed it fuck yeah

Chivalry is dead and feminists killed it fuck yeah

pro-feminist like really good at it

pro-feminist like really good at it

The right has basically rejected reality They should really smoke more weed

The right has basically rejected reality They should really smoke more weed

Everything is a social construct including natural law

Everything is a social construct including natural law

You'd probably be a great dictator but i'd still have to kill you.

You'd probably be a great dictator but i'd still have to kill you.

Conservatives understand the stakes of same-sex marriage in a way liberals don't They're still homophobes though

Conservatives understand the stakes of same-sex marriage in a way liberals don't They're still homophobes though

Reality is nuanced in my favor

Reality is nuanced in my favor

i owe hegel just as much as i owe in student loans

i owe hegel just as much as i owe in student loans
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