locks door to bathroom stall crawls under to get out

locks door to bathroom stall crawls under to get out - locks door to bathroom stall crawls under to get out  scumbag annoying childhood friend


locks door to bathroom stall crawls under to get out

locks door to bathroom stall crawls under to get out

forgets lunch at home mom brings him mcdonalds

forgets lunch at home mom brings him mcdonalds

Give him a note to pass to your crush reads it to whole class at recess

Give him a note to pass to your crush reads it to whole class at recess

Hears you just got Braces punches you in the mouth

Hears you just got Braces punches you in the mouth

says nigga all the time is white

says nigga all the time is white

He Notices the brand new ps2 I just got because it's my birthday throws tantrum at party and breaks my games because he wanted to play it first.

He Notices the brand new ps2 I just got because it's my birthday  throws tantrum at party and breaks my games because he wanted to play it first.

asks you not to bail on him bail ons you

asks you not to bail on him  bail ons you

Can you please be quiet "Make Me"

Can you please be quiet

Asks you to open something Says he loosened it for you

Asks you to open something Says he loosened it for you

tell him you want a snack he makes you get it alone while his parents are in the kitchen

 tell him you want a snack  he makes you get it alone while his parents are in the kitchen
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