Barely gets screen time Everyones Favorite Character on show

Barely gets screen time Everyones Favorite Character on show - Barely gets screen time Everyones Favorite Character on show  Kickass Daryl


Barely gets screen time Everyones Favorite Character on show

Barely gets screen time Everyones Favorite Character on show

Wipes his ass with poison oak tells the story to impress a girl

Wipes his ass with poison oak tells the story to impress a girl

c'mon, you've gone half... stop being such a pussy

c'mon, you've gone half... stop being such a pussy

Took an arrow to the chest still a badass

Took an arrow to the chest still a badass

Am I the only one zen around here? Good Lord!

Am I the only one zen around here? Good Lord!

Zombies bite bare skin cut off sleeves

Zombies bite bare skin cut off sleeves

Uses intelligent survival techniques which he has learned from years of hard living Andrea disagrees

Uses intelligent survival techniques which he has learned from years of hard living Andrea disagrees

Bleeding from head and body wears zombie ears near wounds

Bleeding from head and body wears zombie ears near wounds

Takes a nap Kills two zombies in the process

Takes a nap Kills two zombies in the process

Interrogates kid Throws brothers severed at him for effect

Interrogates kid Throws brothers severed at him for effect
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