Worst LoL Player

can't log in on halloween ghost nocturne login screen too scary

can't log in on halloween ghost nocturne login screen too scary  Worst LoL Player

never say ss? noob check the minimap

never say ss? noob check the minimap  Worst LoL Player

Annie bot op! next time ban her

Annie bot op! next time ban her  Worst LoL Player

Caitlyn Passive: headshot Why they still alive?

Caitlyn Passive: headshot Why they still alive?  Worst LoL Player

lol udyr so op can skill his ultimate at lvl 1!!!

lol udyr so op can skill his ultimate at lvl 1!!!  Worst LoL Player

Master Yi doing Red Kill stealing as soraka for extragold

Master Yi doing Red Kill stealing as soraka for extragold  Worst LoL Player

ragequits after becomming firstblood reconnects ater 20 minutes and starts feeding again

ragequits after becomming firstblood reconnects ater 20 minutes and starts feeding again  Worst LoL Player

get killed by mundo SO op!!!

get killed by mundo SO op!!!  Worst LoL Player

one time good stats called the others "noobs"

one time good stats called the others

Trundle is troll so i have to troll with him

Trundle is troll so i have to troll with him  Worst LoL Player
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