Trundle is troll so i have to troll with him

Trundle is troll so i have to troll with him - Trundle is troll so i have to troll with him  Worst LoL Player


Says "lets avoid fights until their baron buff is out" Suddenly in love with Ahri


plays against annie "lol this champ so buggy, sometimes her spells stun me and sometimes they dont!"

plays against annie

CLG Tsm dignitas fuck these noobs gonna form my own team

CLG Tsm dignitas
fuck these noobs gonna form my own team

Laning against Rumble? buy armor!

Laning against Rumble? buy armor!



ap sion? are you stupid? he has a big axe! definitelly ad!

ap sion? are you stupid? he has a big axe! definitelly ad!

Goes Jungle Tryndamere Keeps blue buff

Goes Jungle Tryndamere Keeps blue buff

feed botlane 0/11/2 as cait declines surrender at 20 minutes - "lol we can still win"

feed botlane 0/11/2 as cait declines surrender at 20 minutes -

why should i buy philosophers stone on taric? i'd much rather save for bloodthirster!

why should i buy philosophers stone on taric? i'd much rather save for bloodthirster!

that kassadin just wasted his ult! all go!

that kassadin just wasted his ult! all go!
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