Vault Boy

Uses Blood Pack Get addicted

Uses Blood Pack Get addicted  Vault Boy

Shoots empty oil drum with shotgun... murders everyone in town without karma loss...

Shoots empty oil drum with shotgun... murders everyone in town without karma loss...  Vault Boy

Few hours in the wastes Can operate a lnuclear missile launcher

Few hours in the wastes Can operate a lnuclear missile launcher  Vault Boy

"We have reason to be cautious here." Runs in screaming and firing his laser.

Sell you awesome DLC items That leave you overencumbered in the middle of nowhere

Sell you awesome DLC items That leave you overencumbered in the middle of nowhere  Vault Boy

energy weapons at 100 tesla cannon dosent kill a rad roach

energy weapons at 100 tesla cannon dosent kill a rad roach
  Vault Boy

Bryan Wilks Family is killed by ants sell him to slavers

Bryan Wilks Family is killed by ants sell him to slavers  Vault Boy

If you can figure out my computer login you can figure out my facebook, tumblr and reddit logins

If you can figure out my computer login you can figure out my facebook, tumblr and reddit logins  Vault Boy

13 Tribes?!!? COME AT ME BRO!

13 Tribes?!!? COME AT ME BRO!  Vault Boy

This is a real ganster. Now pull your pants up!

This is a real ganster. Now pull your pants up!  Vault Boy
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