Vault Boy

Walk into The Pitt with power armor and a plasma rifle Get knocked out by 4 punks with nightsticks

Walk into The Pitt with power armor and a plasma rifle Get knocked out by 4 punks with nightsticks  Vault Boy

You are now addicted To caffeine

You are now addicted To caffeine  Vault Boy

search decapitated head find Mini-gun

search decapitated head  find Mini-gun  Vault Boy

Both arms are crippled Still can apply stimpaks

Both arms are crippled Still can apply stimpaks  Vault Boy

Finishes simulation Takes everything Told he can take anything he wants as there's enough for everyone

Finishes simulation Takes everything Told he can take anything he wants as there's enough for everyone  Vault Boy

Born Asked to decide gender

Born Asked to decide gender  Vault Boy

Find guy with cool hat Plot murder

Find guy with cool hat Plot murder  Vault Boy

Spot an almost destroyed locked door Can't lockpick

Spot an almost destroyed locked door Can't lockpick  Vault Boy

Can use minigun to maximum effiency has no idea how to use assualt rifle

Can use minigun to maximum effiency has no idea how to use assualt rifle  Vault Boy

Find locked bunker Bobby pin

Find locked bunker Bobby pin  Vault Boy
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