Typical Sorority Girl

Greets all her friends with 'How You Doin'?' has never seen friends

Greets all her friends with 'How You Doin'?' has never seen friends  Typical Sorority Girl

Only Jam Band she has seen is Dave Matthews Band BEST DAMN JAM BAND EVER

Only Jam Band she has seen is Dave Matthews Band BEST DAMN JAM BAND EVER  Typical Sorority Girl

Owns a Wii, Wii Sports and Wii Fit "OMG, I'm such a gamer"

Owns a Wii, Wii Sports and Wii Fit

Spends 50k a year on college lacks basic grammar skills

Spends 50k a year on college lacks basic grammar skills  Typical Sorority Girl

"OMG I was so drunk last night! I totally blacked out!" tells you about everything that happened

"OMG I'm just too busy!!!1!!" Goes out drinking with sisters every night

takes adderall to pull an all nighter dies

takes adderall to pull an all nighter dies  Typical Sorority Girl

"OMG, I'm such a stoner!" at a [10] after one hit

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