Sports Oblivious Nerd

Toronto Maple leafs? You spelt leaves wrong

Toronto Maple leafs? You spelt leaves wrong  Sports Oblivious Nerd

tiger woods? i'd never go camping there

tiger woods? i'd never go camping there  Sports Oblivious Nerd

Pittsburgh Pirates? Oh no! Call in the national guard!

Pittsburgh Pirates? Oh no! Call in the national guard!  Sports Oblivious Nerd

The chicago bears? I've heard the grizzly bear exhibit at chicago zoo is wondeful

The chicago bears? I've heard the grizzly bear exhibit at chicago zoo is wondeful  Sports Oblivious Nerd

mr. hockey thats a strange last name

mr. hockey thats a strange last name  Sports Oblivious Nerd

Jack Nicklaus? You mean the guy from the shining?

Jack Nicklaus? You mean the guy from the shining?  Sports Oblivious Nerd

pittsburgh Steelers? yes Pittsburgh does have one of the largest steel industries in the world

pittsburgh Steelers? yes Pittsburgh does have one of the largest steel industries in the world  Sports Oblivious Nerd

babe ruth? thats my favorite candy bar

babe ruth? thats my favorite candy bar  Sports Oblivious Nerd

Oakland Raiders? Oh no! how much have they pillaged?

Oakland Raiders? Oh no! how much have they pillaged?   Sports Oblivious Nerd

prince fielder? prince of where?

prince fielder? prince of where?  Sports Oblivious Nerd
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