Social Anxiety Sam

Needs to go on college visits Insists on taking a virtual tour online

Needs to go on college visits Insists on taking a virtual tour online  Social Anxiety Sam

Sees pretty girl in elevator takes stairs

Sees pretty girl in elevator takes stairs  Social Anxiety Sam

Plans big party at his house Too nervous to show up

Plans big party at his house Too nervous to show up  Social Anxiety Sam

Tells Mild Joke Oh no I went too far

Tells Mild Joke Oh no I went too far  Social Anxiety Sam

Tries to tell girl he likes her Proposes by accident

Tries to tell girl he likes her Proposes by accident  Social Anxiety Sam

Chats with girl online never talks to her in person

Chats with girl online never talks to her in person  Social Anxiety Sam

Hears doorbell hides

Hears doorbell hides  Social Anxiety Sam

Parents have friends over stays quiet in room all night

Parents have friends over stays quiet in room all night  Social Anxiety Sam

Asked about his hobbies Says he doesn't have any

Asked about his hobbies Says he doesn't have any  Social Anxiety Sam

Meets girlfriend's Parents Speaks in a british accent

Meets girlfriend's Parents Speaks in a british accent  Social Anxiety Sam
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