
Gets mad when a Sim plays computer games after the fun bar is filled Has been Playing The Sims for 7 hours straight

Gets mad when a Sim plays computer games after the fun bar is filled Has been Playing The Sims for 7 hours straight  Sims

hungry? yell incoherent language at the sky.

hungry? yell incoherent language at the sky.   Sims

3 new stars found In one night by a teenager with a cheap telescope in his back yard

3 new stars found In one night by a teenager with a cheap telescope in his back yard  Sims

get hungry after going to sleep have goopy carbonara for breakfast

get hungry after going to sleep have goopy carbonara for breakfast  Sims

The Sims letting people act out psychotic tenancies since 2000

The Sims letting people act out psychotic tenancies since 2000  Sims

Don't have enough to buy pizza? sell the window!

Don't have enough to buy pizza? sell the window!  Sims

Spent all day practicing piano Able to paint the mona lisa

Spent all day practicing piano Able to paint the mona lisa  Sims

Plays chess by yourself for hours become master

Plays chess by yourself for hours become master  Sims

Meet a girl, marry her, have a child What a night!

Meet a girl, marry her, have a child What a night!  Sims

Hit toilet with hammer for two hours Cleans itself

Hit toilet with hammer for two hours Cleans itself  Sims
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