Scumbag Sonic

Shows commercial about delicious food Closest one is 100 miles away

Shows commercial about delicious food Closest one is 100 miles away  Scumbag Sonic

Best pal is tails Doesn't flinch when he dies

Best pal is tails Doesn't flinch when he dies  Scumbag Sonic

"Open until midnight or later!" Closes before midnight

Shows commercial about delicious food Closest one is 2,061 miles away

Shows commercial about delicious food Closest one is 2,061 miles away  Scumbag Sonic

can exceed mach 1 drives a car

can exceed mach 1 drives a car  Scumbag Sonic

Runs at Speed of Sound Can't Break Glass

Runs at Speed of Sound Can't Break Glass  Scumbag Sonic

This hedgehog can talk Unlike a certain plumber

This hedgehog can talk Unlike a certain  plumber  Scumbag Sonic

Toxic Waste Dump

 Toxic Waste Dump  Scumbag Sonic

Open late "no serve ice cream after 9, cleaning machine"

Open late

advertises in your area Closest one is 90 minutes away

advertises in your area Closest one is 90 minutes away  Scumbag Sonic
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