Scumbag Rob Ford

I'm not fat I'm just carrying around 50 pounds of crack

I'm not fat I'm just carrying around 50 pounds of crack  Scumbag Rob Ford

votes down aids grants in the name of reducing spending spends $400,000 to rip up bike lanes

votes down aids grants in the name of reducing spending spends $400,000 to rip up bike lanes  Scumbag Rob Ford

"No Service Cuts!" Kills 2300 City Jobs

somethin' you might not know about me toronto.... I smoke rocks

somethin' you might not know about me toronto.... I smoke rocks  Scumbag Rob Ford

Campaigned for financial responsibility Overspend on campaign

Campaigned for financial responsibility Overspend on campaign  Scumbag Rob Ford

this proposal meeting is a delicate matter puts 'vote for ford' magnets on every visitor's car when they aren't looking

this proposal meeting is a delicate matter puts 'vote for ford' magnets on every visitor's car when they aren't looking  Scumbag Rob Ford

Is a total dick somehow survives heartattack conditions

Is a total dick somehow survives heartattack conditions  Scumbag Rob Ford
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