Scumbag Lamar Smith

demands accountability for online piracy Issues arrest warrant for al gore

demands accountability for online piracy Issues arrest warrant for al gore  Scumbag Lamar Smith

writes law to protect internet everyone on internet hates it

writes law to protect internet everyone on internet hates it  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Asked why he wants SOPA passed "I just don't want my grandkids seeing the boobies on the VCR"

Asked why he wants SOPA passed

You have to take down the entire internet to stop piracy? challenge accepted

You have to take down the entire internet to stop piracy? challenge accepted  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Work in politics Promotes internet censorship

Work in politics Promotes internet censorship  Scumbag Lamar Smith

If I make enough bills They have to pass one of them!

If I make enough bills They have to pass one of them!  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Copyright Violator remains at large Has a copyrighted photo on his site without a citation

Copyright Violator remains at large 
Has a copyrighted photo on his site without a citation  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Wants sopa/pipa to be enforced DNS? Does that mean Download Non-stop?

Wants sopa/pipa to be enforced DNS? Does that mean Download Non-stop?  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Actually wasn't 1,000,000 visitor Looks like I'll have to ban the internet from other visitors

Actually wasn't 1,000,000 visitor Looks like I'll have to ban the internet from other visitors  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Hears Google slogan "Don't be evil" decides hollywood must pay better

Hears Google slogan
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