Scumbag Lamar Smith


SOPA, PIPA, HR1981 I'M A FUCKING IDIOT  Scumbag Lamar Smith

You use the internet? You must be a pedophile

You use the internet? You must be a pedophile  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Can't attach a file in outlook Bans the internet

Can't attach a file in outlook Bans the internet  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Rails against big government and regulation aims to regulate the shit out of modern communication

Rails against big government and regulation aims to regulate the shit out of modern communication  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Supports anti-piracy bill against facebook, Youtube, twitter Has facebook, twitter, youtube links on website

Supports anti-piracy bill against facebook, Youtube, twitter Has facebook, twitter, youtube links on website  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Sees offensive meme of self bans meme websites

Sees offensive meme of self bans meme websites  Scumbag Lamar Smith

[Scumbag Lamar Smith] Not if I have anything to say about it!

[Scumbag Lamar Smith] Not if I have anything to say about it!  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Because fuck you That's why

Because fuck you That's why  Scumbag Lamar Smith

I don't know how to use internets let's get rid of them

I don't know how to use internets let's get rid of them  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Demands the senate to pass sopa Has a copyrighted photo on his site without a citation

Demands the senate to pass sopa Has a copyrighted photo on his site without a citation  Scumbag Lamar Smith
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