Scumbag Lamar Smith

didn't get $13,000,000 from Nigerian prince Time to ban the internet

didn't get $13,000,000 from Nigerian prince Time to ban the internet  Scumbag Lamar Smith

creates sopa to protect internet EVERYONE ON INTERNET HATES IT

creates sopa to protect internet EVERYONE ON INTERNET HATES IT  Scumbag Lamar Smith

The moment when your face instally become a meme because you are sucks

The moment when your face instally become a meme  because you are sucks  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Lamar Smith Even Hitler has more followers

Lamar Smith Even Hitler has more followers  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Freedom Of speech? not on my internet

Freedom Of speech? not on my internet  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Creates SOPA to stop illegal use of other peoples properties uses Stolen artwork on campaign website

Creates SOPA to stop illegal use of other peoples properties uses Stolen artwork on campaign website  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Freedom of speech? What the fuck is that?

Freedom of speech? What the fuck is that?  Scumbag Lamar Smith

I see a penis on the internet It's bigger than mine... Lol, delete

I see a penis on the internet It's bigger than mine... Lol, delete  Scumbag Lamar Smith

Hideous Hair piece

Hideous Hair piece  Scumbag Lamar Smith

PCIP Taking the parent out of parenting

PCIP Taking the parent out of parenting  Scumbag Lamar Smith
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