Scumbag Jacob

orders three somersbys doesn't have enough money so he blames the bartender and says he ordered two

orders three somersbys doesn't have enough money so he blames the bartender and says he ordered two  Scumbag Jacob

Gets a random girl really interested in him for half an hour Then tells her he's in a 4 year long relationship and leaves.

Gets a random girl really interested in him for half an hour Then tells her he's in a 4 year long relationship and leaves.  Scumbag Jacob

Can't get OPI position in any other club Creates a new club and makes himself OPI

Can't get OPI position in any other club Creates a new club and makes himself OPI  Scumbag Jacob

Prior to cumming I had to stick my thumb in Her ass one time smell my finger make ya vomit

Prior to cumming I had to stick my thumb in Her ass one time smell my finger make ya vomit  Scumbag Jacob

If you switch from arts to engineering... You're gonna have a bad time

If you switch from arts to engineering... You're gonna have a 
bad time  Scumbag Jacob

Get's trusted with squadron mascot & flag Flag missing, head stolen, hoof gone.

Get's trusted with squadron mascot & flag Flag missing, head stolen, hoof gone.
  Scumbag Jacob

Ego so big isnt phased by this meme

Ego so big  isnt phased by this meme  Scumbag Jacob

Only gets into a girls pants After asking how much they cost

Only gets into a girls pants After asking how much they cost  Scumbag Jacob

Doesn't want to pay taxes joins the military so taxes pay him

Doesn't want to pay taxes joins the military so taxes pay him  Scumbag Jacob

She has an amazing credit score

She has an amazing credit score  Scumbag Jacob
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