Scumbag Hulu

Commercial Ends Video Freezes

Commercial Ends Video Freezes  Scumbag Hulu

Oh, you pay $10 a month for this service? Here, have some commercials

Oh, you pay $10 a month for this service? Here, have some commercials  Scumbag Hulu

Asks if you want to watch one 1:00 commercial or two :30 commercials makes you watch all 3 regardless of your choice

Asks if you want to watch one 1:00 commercial or two :30 commercials makes you watch all 3 regardless of your choice  Scumbag Hulu

Makes you watch ads ads freeze and take forever to finish

Makes you watch ads ads freeze and take forever to finish  Scumbag Hulu

Click ad as irrelevant Play very same Ad every commercial break

Click ad as irrelevant Play very same Ad every commercial break  Scumbag Hulu

Claims that it needs to show advertisements to keep the service free Half of the ads are for Hulu Plus

Claims that it needs to show advertisements to keep the service free Half of the ads are for Hulu Plus  Scumbag Hulu

Commercials Load Immediately Show Constantly Buffers

Commercials Load Immediately  Show Constantly Buffers  Scumbag Hulu

video you want to watch is low quality. ads are hd.

video you want to watch is low quality. ads are hd.  Scumbag Hulu

Uses Will Arnett as Spokesmen Arrested Development only on HULU Plus

Uses Will Arnett as Spokesmen Arrested Development only on HULU Plus   Scumbag Hulu

Makes you watch ad "video not available in your country"

Makes you watch ad
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