Sad Gamer Chris

has 200 neighbors on farmville has 0 friends in real life

has 200 neighbors on farmville has 0 friends in real life  Sad Gamer Chris

plays farmville

plays farmville   Sad Gamer Chris

Forgets to save before boss fight Loses 4 hours of game-play

Forgets to save before boss fight  Loses 4 hours of 
game-play   Sad Gamer Chris

Only game beaten? Freddie fish

Only game beaten? Freddie fish  Sad Gamer Chris

just getting good at MW3 Black ops2 comes out

just getting good at MW3 Black ops2 
comes out  Sad Gamer Chris

Buys new 360 red ring of death

Buys new 360 red ring of death  Sad Gamer Chris

carries myrrh for first time in year four kills entire party

carries myrrh for first time in year four kills entire party  Sad Gamer Chris

Plays Oregon trail entire family dies

Plays Oregon trail entire family dies  Sad Gamer Chris

Mom gets me game I want For a console I do not own

Mom gets me game I want  For a console I do not own  Sad Gamer Chris
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