Ron Swanson

Your house isn't haunted. You're lonely.

 Your house isn't haunted. You're lonely.  Ron Swanson

I enjoy government functions like I enjoy getting kicked in the nuggets with a steel toe boot. But this hotel always serves bacon wrapped shrimp. That’s my number one favorite food wrapped around my number 3 favorite food. I’d go to a banqu

I enjoy government functions 

 like I enjoy getting kicked in the nuggets with a steel toe boot. But this hotel always serves bacon wrapped shrimp. That’s my number one favorite food wrapped around my number 3 favorite food. I’d go to a banqu  Ron Swanson

Gin & Tonic? No. You'll have a whiskey neat. Clear liquor is for rich women on diets.

Gin & Tonic? No. You'll have a whiskey neat. Clear liquor is for rich women on diets.  Ron Swanson

I steal Boats Deal with it

I  steal  Boats Deal  with  it  Ron Swanson

I'm going to get 12 eggs and part of a dead animal. Dealer's choice. Please and thank you.

  I'm going to get 12 eggs and part of a dead animal. Dealer's choice. Please and thank you.  Ron Swanson

Wait..wait I'm worried what you just heard was 'block my IR' WHAT I SAID was give me all the IR

Wait..wait I'm worried what you just heard was 'block my IR' WHAT I SAID was give me all the IR  Ron Swanson

Birthdays were invented by Hallmark to sell cards

Birthdays were invented by Hallmark to sell cards  Ron Swanson

I don't believe in Birthdays Everyone knows they were created by hallmark to sell cards

I don't believe in Birthdays

 Everyone knows they were created by hallmark to sell cards  Ron Swanson

Hey girl, I'm really impressed by your efforts to please linguistic and visual learners in Us History. let me cook you tacos and serve you strongbow.

Hey girl, I'm really impressed by your efforts to please linguistic and visual learners in Us History.  let me cook you tacos and serve you strongbow.  Ron Swanson

made to look like a douchebag Still the most beloved character on the show

made to look like a douchebag Still the most beloved character on the show  Ron Swanson
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