Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

Do you know how much of this can I used? 99%

Do you know how much of this can I used? 99%  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

respect my authoritah

respect my authoritah  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

You have been arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced By a jury of my peers

You have been arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced By a jury of my peers  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

Boom Head shot

Boom Head shot  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

Don't mind me... ...Just watering the hippies.

Don't mind me... ...Just watering the hippies.  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

"We Want More Government!" "Glad to oblige!"

PEPPER SPRaY is a vegetable

PEPPER SPRaY is  a vegetable  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

I am Lt. Pike And this is Sergeant Pepper

I am Lt. Pike And this is Sergeant Pepper  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

Hey Guys Who wants easy cheese?

Hey Guys Who wants easy cheese?  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop

I am the law

I am the law  Pimp Pepper Spray Cop
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