Optimistic Virgin

girl says hi tells mom he has a girlfriend

girl says hi tells mom he has a girlfriend  Optimistic Virgin

Gets walked on by scumbag girl masturbates 5 times when he gets gome

Gets walked on by scumbag girl masturbates 5 times when he gets gome  Optimistic Virgin

trips and touches girls boob tells friends he got to second base

trips and touches girls boob tells friends he got to second base  Optimistic Virgin

Gets walked on by scumbag girl masturbates 5 times when he gets gome

Gets walked on by scumbag girl masturbates 5 times when he gets gome  Optimistic Virgin

goes on date buys ring

goes on date buys ring  Optimistic Virgin

Invited to party by girl buys pack of xl condoms

Invited to party by girl buys pack of xl condoms  Optimistic Virgin

girl is friendly changes relationship status

girl is friendly changes relationship status  Optimistic Virgin

Holds hands on 4th date Brags about it for a week

Holds hands on 4th date Brags about it for a week  Optimistic Virgin

Takes a girl on a date In mom's mini van

Takes a girl on a date In mom's mini van  Optimistic Virgin

girl invites him upstairs sleeps on her floor

girl invites him upstairs sleeps on her floor   Optimistic Virgin
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