Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Mad that I lived in Currier house? we've got a badass over here

Mad that I lived in Currier house? we've got a badass over here  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Look out We have a badass over here

Look out  We have a badass over here  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Badass. We have one and whatnot.

Badass. We have one and whatnot.  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

jonas salk created a polio vaccine gives away the cure

jonas salk created a polio vaccine gives away the cure  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Isaac Newton developed the use of calculus gives away the cure

Isaac Newton developed the use of calculus gives away the cure  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

You welded it for your wife?

You welded it for your wife?  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Watch out We got a birthday over here!

Watch out We got a birthday over here!  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Renowned Astrophysicist and director of world class planetarium people only ask him to make this meme face

Renowned Astrophysicist and director of world class planetarium people only ask him to make this meme face  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

ay si!! estos pendejos me colocan en su imagen y no saben ni como carajo me llamo

ay si!! estos pendejos me colocan en su imagen y no saben ni como carajo me llamo  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed

Sean White Does a spiraling Double McTwist 1260

Sean White Does a spiraling Double McTwist 1260  Neil deGrasse Tyson is impressed
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