Lonely Pug

sign onto facebook 0 notifications

sign onto facebook 0 notifications  Lonely Pug

Invites all advice animals to birthday party not even forever alone guy shows

Invites all advice animals to birthday party not even forever alone guy shows  Lonely Pug

Message [blank] on facebook chat [blank] has gone offline

Message [blank] on facebook chat [blank] has gone offline  Lonely Pug

Memes arent funny anymore because... Im dead inside

Memes arent funny anymore because... Im dead inside  Lonely Pug

kids at school hate you learn to draw

kids at school hate you learn to draw  Lonely Pug

Facebook friends as real as it gets

Facebook friends as real as it gets  Lonely Pug

! a wild pokemon appeared.

! a wild pokemon appeared.  Lonely Pug

Good Night! *Lonely Pug is typing...

Good Night! *Lonely Pug is typing...  Lonely Pug

Party you say? not invited

Party you say? not invited  Lonely Pug

Cute little kitten does silent fart Everyone looks disapprovingly at you

Cute little kitten does silent fart Everyone looks disapprovingly at you  Lonely Pug
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