Laughing Obama

Mitt Romney's Campaign is so dead The Mormons just baptized it.

Mitt Romney's Campaign is so dead The Mormons just baptized it.   Laughing Obama


THANKS! Obama  Laughing Obama

Was worried about Romney Realizes Kitten Gifs Solve all Problems

Was worried about Romney Realizes Kitten Gifs Solve  all Problems  Laughing Obama

YO dawg, I heard you'd like a healthy economy so I put money into the economy by taking money out of the ecnomy, then I put that money back into the economy, taxing it as it goes through the economy

YO dawg, I heard you'd like a healthy economy so I put money into the economy by taking money out of the ecnomy, then I put that money back into the economy, taxing it as it goes through the economy  Laughing Obama

And then I said no "wiretaps without warrants"

And then I said no

Yall went to highschool I went to school high

Yall went to highschool I went to school high  Laughing Obama

. . . and then i said "i swear to uphold the Constitution"!

. . . and then i said

And then they said they were going to nuke Austin

And then they said they were going to nuke Austin  Laughing Obama

Forward Because that whole "change" thing didn't really work out

Forward Because that whole

and then i told the american people that being 16 trillions in debt is not a debt crisis nor a spending problem

and then i told the american people that being 16 trillions in debt is not a debt crisis
nor a spending problem  Laughing Obama
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