Kenny the Retarded Tiger

Watches Jersey shore

Watches Jersey shore  Kenny the Retarded Tiger

so if evolution is true how come there's still monkeys?

so if evolution is true how come there's still monkeys?  Kenny the Retarded Tiger

Favorite NBA player? Joey Crawford

Favorite NBA player? Joey Crawford  Kenny the Retarded Tiger

i'm a doggie

i'm a doggie   Kenny the Retarded Tiger

lets humans pet him

lets humans pet him  Kenny the Retarded Tiger

ma name is lewis WADE I like licking windows

ma name is lewis WADE I like licking windows  Kenny the Retarded Tiger

ma name bes kenni wanna hok up

ma name bes kenni
 wanna hok up   Kenny the Retarded Tiger

hey, im colin

hey, im colin   Kenny the Retarded Tiger

Oh hai... you burfday

Oh hai... you burfday  Kenny the Retarded Tiger


TYGUH BLUUUD   Kenny the Retarded Tiger
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