John Cena and The Rock

lu gk bakal bisa ngejar gw , karna gw ninja + pedang es ,gk bisa kan ? dasar cops ! gw sekarang bisa cok

lu gk bakal bisa ngejar gw , karna gw ninja + pedang es ,gk bisa kan ? dasar cops ! gw sekarang bisa cok  John Cena and The Rock

Voce nao consegue me ver Consigo sim Viado

Voce nao consegue me ver Consigo sim Viado  John Cena and The Rock

Nih sabuk gue yang ke empat, Dasar botak Rasain nih rambut setengah senti

Nih sabuk gue yang ke empat,
Dasar botak
 Rasain nih rambut setengah senti  John Cena and The Rock

You can't se... Rock bottom!

You can't se... Rock bottom!  John Cena and The Rock

You Can't See Me nek minnit

You Can't See Me nek minnit  John Cena and The Rock

masa anak b.b.c gk bisa nyerang aku? sekarang bisa cok jgn ngehina donk !

masa anak b.b.c gk bisa nyerang aku? sekarang bisa cok
jgn ngehina donk !  John Cena and The Rock

I'm not in the (DESTROYING AL NAHDA PROJECT) Now you Do

I'm not in the (DESTROYING AL NAHDA PROJECT) Now you Do  John Cena and The Rock


YOU CAN'T SEE ME! I CAN NOW BITCH!  John Cena and The Rock
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