Good Guy FDR

Gets elected Actually Fixes economy

Gets elected  Actually Fixes economy  Good Guy FDR

They call this man a socialist too

They call this man a socialist too  Good Guy FDR

They See FDR Rollin' They hatin'

They See FDR Rollin' They hatin'  Good Guy FDR

Free Markets you say? Nice bedtime story

Free Markets you say? Nice bedtime story  Good Guy FDR

Republicans... Read a Book!

Republicans... Read a Book!  Good Guy FDR

fixes economy by listening to unions, socialists, and commies and still one of the most popular presidents ever. Deal with it republicans

fixes economy by listening to unions, socialists, and commies and still one of the most popular presidents ever.  Deal with it republicans  Good Guy FDR

Gets elected Makes social programs that we can't pay for

Gets elected  Makes social programs that we can't pay for  Good Guy FDR

Puts Japanese-Americans into internment camps Praised by liberals for his massive expansion of government

Puts Japanese-Americans into internment camps Praised by liberals for his massive expansion of government  Good Guy FDR

Polio? No, I'll be greater than Marco

Polio? No, I'll be greater than Marco  Good Guy FDR
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