Crude Joke Jessy

What's the best part about sex? When my dad looks me in the eye and tells me he loves me.

What's the best part about sex? When my dad looks me in the eye and tells me he loves me.  Crude Joke Jessy

How do you embarrass an archaeologist? Bring him an old dirty tampon and ask him which period it's from.

How do you embarrass an archaeologist? Bring him an old dirty tampon and ask him which period it's from.  Crude Joke Jessy

Whats the worst part about having sex with a 4 year old? getting the blood off your clown costume

Whats the worst part about having sex with a 4 year old? getting the blood off your clown costume  Crude Joke Jessy

"What can a jelly bean do that a man can't do?" "Come in 7 different flavors. "

you see that lady behind me? she just ate an entire sleeve of chips ahoy!

you see that lady behind me? she just ate an entire sleeve of chips ahoy!  Crude Joke Jessy

"Hey Jesse, what's your stance on woman's suffrage?" Don't know what that is, so I'm against it

why cant Helen Keller drive? Because Shes a woman

why cant Helen Keller drive? Because Shes a woman  Crude Joke Jessy

What did the duck say after she bought lipstick? put it on my bill!

What did the duck say after she bought lipstick? put it on my bill!  Crude Joke Jessy

You hear about the Hatian that broke up with his girlfriend? She was crushed

You hear about the Hatian that broke up with his girlfriend? She was crushed  Crude Joke Jessy

whats the worst part of rap music? turning it down when you see a black person

whats the worst part of rap music? turning it down when you see a black person  Crude Joke Jessy
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