Classic 6th Grader

tell me who you like i promise i wont tell anyone tells everyone

tell me who you like i promise i wont tell anyone tells everyone  Classic 6th Grader

"I'll be your best friend." isn't

Has a crush on you torments you every day

Has a crush on you
 torments you every day  Classic 6th Grader


 Swallows  Classic 6th Grader

calls you a slut makes out with your brother

calls you a slut makes out with your brother  Classic 6th Grader

Flirts with you Get sent to jail for statutory rape

Flirts with you
 Get sent to jail for statutory rape  Classic 6th Grader

say it to my face bitch tattles for bullying

say it to my face bitch tattles for bullying  Classic 6th Grader

"I'll be your best friend" Isn't Caption 3 goes here

tell me who you like i promise i wont tell anyone tells everyone

tell me who you like i promise i wont tell anyone tells everyone  Classic 6th Grader
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