Bane Darkness

“You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was only a man. By that time it was nothing to me but blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me.”

“You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was only a man. By that time it was nothing to me but blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me.” 
  Bane Darkness

“You think procrastination is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t see the world until I was only a man.

“You think procrastination is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t see the world until I was only a man.
  Bane Darkness

“You think GIFs are your allies? You merely adopted them; I was born with them - molded by them. I didn't see JPEGs until I was only a man, but by that time they were nothing to me but blinding. The GIFs betray you because they belong to me.”

“You think GIFs are your allies? You merely adopted them; I was born with them - molded by them. I didn't see JPEGs until I was only a man, but by that time they were nothing to me but blinding. The GIFs betray you because they belong to me.”  Bane Darkness

“You think Hip-Hop is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t play Rock Band until I was a man. By that time it was nothing to me but fake guitars and screaming. Hip-Hop betrays you because it belongs to me.

“You think Hip-Hop is your ally? You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn’t play Rock Band until I was a man. By that time it was nothing to me but fake guitars and screaming. Hip-Hop betrays you because it belongs to me.  Bane Darkness

“You think yeast is your ally? You merely adopted it, I was born in it, molded by it

“You think yeast is your ally? You merely adopted it, I was born in it, molded by it  Bane Darkness

Oh, you think our QB controversy is your ally? But you merely adopted the controversy; we were born in it...

Oh, you think our QB controversy is your ally?  But you merely adopted the controversy; we were born in it...  Bane Darkness

Oh, she thinks she knows relationship problems. But she merely adopted them 4 months ago; I was born in them, molded by them. I didn't see a resolution until I was already a woman. - Girlfriend Bane

Oh, she thinks she knows relationship problems. But she merely adopted them 4 months ago; I was born in them, molded by them. I didn't see a resolution until I was already a woman.

- Girlfriend Bane  Bane Darkness

WOD: ENDURE BANE (3) Shankle Complexes (1) 80M Heavy KB Farmer’s Walk (35) Pullups (3) Shankle Complexes (50) DU’s / (100) Singles (10) Atlas Stone OTSD’s (35) WB Shots / Thrusters (3) Shankle Complexes (50) DU’s / (100) Singles (


(3) Shankle Complexes
(1) 80M Heavy KB Farmer’s Walk
(35) Pullups
(3) Shankle Complexes
(50) DU’s / (100) Singles
(10) Atlas Stone OTSD’s
(35) WB Shots / Thrusters
(3) Shankle Complexes
(50) DU’s / (100) Singles
(  Bane Darkness
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