Awesome ent girlfriend

Insists on sucking your cock While you rip the bong

Insists on sucking your cock While you rip the bong  Awesome ent girlfriend

Wants to get high and watch WATER BOY falls asleep in 15 minutes

Wants to get high and watch WATER BOY falls asleep in 15 minutes  Awesome ent girlfriend

loves your new pipe Sticks in BUTT

loves your new pipe Sticks in BUTT  Awesome ent girlfriend

Gets high and passes out allowing you to d3 for 5 hours

Gets high and passes out allowing you to d3 for 5 hours  Awesome ent girlfriend

Gets high with nothing to do Cleans your room

Gets high with nothing to do Cleans your room  Awesome ent girlfriend

Says weed costs way too much has 8 healthy seedlings grown the following week

Says weed costs way too much has 8 healthy seedlings grown the following week  Awesome ent girlfriend

Low on trees smokes you out anyway

Low on trees smokes you out anyway  Awesome ent girlfriend

Blows before putting it in Like a nintendo cartridge Caption 3 goes here

Blows before putting it in Like a nintendo cartridge Caption 3 goes here  Awesome ent girlfriend
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