Annoying Gym Guy

Wears belt to protect back doing 12kg dumbbell curls

Wears belt to protect back doing 12kg dumbbell curls  Annoying Gym Guy

HEY FAtty!!!!! GEt off your ASS!!!

HEY FAtty!!!!! GEt off your ASS!!!  Annoying Gym Guy

I get up at 5:00 am and go to the gym... And when i get back, I'm telling you how great I am.

I get up at 5:00 am and go to the gym... And when i get back, I'm telling you how great I am.  Annoying Gym Guy

Haters Gonna hate

Haters Gonna hate  Annoying Gym Guy

Look at all the fucks i give

Look at all the fucks i give  Annoying Gym Guy

Did somebody say Workout?!?!

Did somebody say Workout?!?!
  Annoying Gym Guy

What's wrong? Don't all guys shave their legs?

What's wrong? Don't all guys shave their legs?  Annoying Gym Guy

If you think i'm a douche your absolutely right!

If you think i'm a douche your absolutely right!
  Annoying Gym Guy

GEt turned down by girls? Do A Workout!

GEt turned down by girls? Do A Workout!  Annoying Gym Guy

How Much do you lift? Oh, I do about twice that...

How Much do you lift? Oh, I do about twice that...  Annoying Gym Guy
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