Annoying Chiptune Kid

The guy everyone knows... is a jerk off

The guy everyone knows... is a jerk off  Annoying Chiptune Kid

White Power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White Power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Annoying Chiptune Kid

Taking "being a cute douche" to a whole new level


Bringing back the worst parts of the 90's....Forever

Bringing back the worst parts of the 90's....Forever  Annoying Chiptune Kid

Raises an obscene amount of money for an album they already finished Sells it on iTunes before the kickstarter ends

Raises an obscene amount of money for an album they already finished Sells it on iTunes before the kickstarter ends  Annoying Chiptune Kid

Really nice and awesome guy Shares music he loves with strangers

Really nice and awesome guy Shares music he loves with strangers  Annoying Chiptune Kid

Blogging Chiptunes to death

Blogging Chiptunes to death  Annoying Chiptune Kid

do yo know who I am muthafuckaaaaa!!!!?!?!?!?!?

do yo know who I am muthafuckaaaaa!!!!?!?!?!?!?  Annoying Chiptune Kid

Trust Fund jerk off jam!!!

Trust Fund jerk off jam!!!  Annoying Chiptune Kid
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