Angry Clint Eastwood

is a dead nigger! The best nigger

is a dead nigger! The best nigger  Angry Clint Eastwood

I came here to laugh not for your fucking advice

I came here to laugh not for your fucking advice  Angry Clint Eastwood

"Hi we're here to spread the good word of Jesus Christ." Get off my lawn

"Hi we're hear to spread the good word of Joseph smith" Get off my lawn

Get off the phone

 Get off the phone  Angry Clint Eastwood

Go ahead Say my line

Go ahead Say my line  Angry Clint Eastwood

get off my lake hey poachers,

get off my lake hey poachers,  Angry Clint Eastwood


 No  Angry Clint Eastwood

Willard "mitt" romney Get on my lawn


"Hi we're hear to spread the good word of Jesus Christ." Get off my lawn

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